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Tag Archives: ballad of buster scruggs
My Dream Oscar Ballot 2019
This Oscar season has been crazy, and as I’ve covered before, there were a lot of egregious snubs this year. So here is how my nominations ballot would have looked. For the purposes of this, I’ve limited myself to the … Continue reading
Posted in Awards, Film, Oscars
Tagged annihilation, at eternity's gate, avengers, ballad of buster scruggs, birds of passage, black panther, blindspotting, burning, can you ever forgive me, cold war, death of Stalin, eighth grade, favourite, first man, first reformed, free solo, game night, green book, hale county, hereditary, hulu, if beale street could talk, incredibles 2, infinity war, into the spider-verse, isle of dogs, leave no trace, mary queen of scots, minding the gap, mirai, mission impossible, netflix, prime, private war, quiet place, ralph breaks the internet, ready player one, roma, shoplifters, simple favor, solo, sorry to bother you, spider-man, star is born, star wars, Suspiria, three identical strangers, vice, widows, won't you be my neighbor, you were never really here
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Oscar Guide 2019
If I was confused last year, this year I’m completely and utterly lost. The only things I’m sure about are “Shallow” winning Best Original Song and Roma winning Best Foreign Language Film. Any of this year’s other frontrunners losing to another nominee wouldn’t … Continue reading
Posted in Awards, Film, Oscars, Previews
Tagged at eternity's gate, avengers, ballad of buster scruggs, black klansman, black panther, bohemian rhapsody, border, can you ever forgive me, capernaum, christopher robin, cold war, favourite, first man, free solo, green book, hale county, hulu, if beale street could talk, incredibles 2, infinity war, into the spider-verse, isle of dogs, mary poppins returns, mary queen of scots, minding the gap, mirai, netflix, never look away, of fathers and sons, quiet place, ralph breaks the internet, rbg, ready player one, roma, shoplifters, solo, spider-man, star is born, star wars, vice, wife
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Final Oscar Picks 2019
BEST PICTURE Black Klansman Black Panther Bohemian Rhapsody The Favourite Green Book Roma A Star Is Born Vice Dark Horse: Crazy Rich Asians Long Shot: First Man Total Shock: If Beale Street Could Talk The skinny: This season has been … Continue reading
Posted in Awards, Film, Oscars, Previews
Tagged avengers, ballad of buster scruggs, beautiful boy, black klansman, black panther, bohemian rhapsody, can you ever forgive me, capernaum, cold war, dumplin, eighth grade, fantastic beasts, favourite, first man, first reformed, free solo, green book, if beale street could talk, incredibles 2, infinity war, into the spider-verse, isle of dogs, mary poppins returns, mary queen of scots, minding the gap, mirai, mission impossible, never look away, nutcracker, quiet place, ralph breaks the internet, rbg, ready player one, roma, shoplifters, spiderman, stan and ollie, star is born, three identical strangers, vice, wife, won't you be my neighbor
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2018 in Review: The Best and Worst Movies
Another incredible year for film, even if there’s a lot more “very good” and less “great” than years past. If there was an overarching theme in 2018’s movies, it was the struggle to hold onto one’s identity. Your surroundings might … Continue reading
Posted in Best Of, Film
Tagged annihilation, ballad of buster scruggs, black klansman, black panther, blindspotting, burning, can you ever, deadpool 2, death of Stalin, eighth grade, favourite, first man, first reformed, game night, hate u give, hereditary, hulu, if beale street could talk, incredibles 2, into the spider-verse, isle of dogs, leave no trace, Mandy, minding the gap, mission impossible, netflix, old man and the gun, private war, roma, sorry to bother you, spider-man, star is born, support the girls, Suspiria, three identical strangers, tully, widows, won't you be my neighbor, you were never really here
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Streaming Picks: November 2018
FILMS Top Picks The Adventures of Tintin – Prime 11/1 eXistenZ – Hulu 11/1 The Other Side of the Wind/They’ll Love Me When I’m Dead – Netflix 11/2 The first two are underrated gems from the well-regarded careers of Steven … Continue reading
Posted in Film, Previews, Television
Tagged 1983, adventures of tintin, aliens and agenda 21, amazon, angela's christmas, baby, ballad of buster scruggs, baskets, beat, beat bugs, bigfoot, bisexual, boo 2, brainchild, cam, children act, christmas calendar, christmas chronicles, christmas prince, coldplay, creative galaxy, crew, damascus cover, dave attell, death by magic, dietland, downsizing, durrels in corfu, dust 2 glory, existenz, expanse, f is for family, fair game, final table, follow this, frontier, fugitiva, gotti, great british baking show, gymkhana files, happy as lazzaro, holiday calendar, holly hobbie, homecoming, house of cards, hulu, inside jokes, into the dark, jeff ross, john leguizamo, judgement, k, keepers of the magic, killer bees, kominsky method, kulipari, kung fu panda, la reina del flow, larger than life, last kingdom, little big awesome, loudon wainwright, loving pablo, luis and the aliens, madea, married with children, may the devil take you, mcqueen, medal of honor, mighty magiswords, mirzapur, motown magic, mystery science theater 3000, narcos, netflix, nina's world, oh my ghost, ordinary man, other side of the wind, outlaw king, patriot, Pete the cat, ponysitters club, prince of peoria, princess switch, rajma chawal, remastered, sabrina, sailor moon, she-ra, siberia, sick note, six, sleepless, spirit, spy kids, super drags, they'll love me when i'm dead, tiempo compartido, to build or not to build, treehouse detectives, trevor noah, trolls, under the tree, warrior, westside, wonder, world is yours
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