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Tag Archives: rbg
Oscar Guide 2019
If I was confused last year, this year I’m completely and utterly lost. The only things I’m sure about are “Shallow” winning Best Original Song and Roma winning Best Foreign Language Film. Any of this year’s other frontrunners losing to another nominee wouldn’t … Continue reading
Posted in Awards, Film, Oscars, Previews
Tagged at eternity's gate, avengers, ballad of buster scruggs, black klansman, black panther, bohemian rhapsody, border, can you ever forgive me, capernaum, christopher robin, cold war, favourite, first man, free solo, green book, hale county, hulu, if beale street could talk, incredibles 2, infinity war, into the spider-verse, isle of dogs, mary poppins returns, mary queen of scots, minding the gap, mirai, netflix, never look away, of fathers and sons, quiet place, ralph breaks the internet, rbg, ready player one, roma, shoplifters, solo, spider-man, star is born, star wars, vice, wife
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Final Oscar Picks 2019
BEST PICTURE Black Klansman Black Panther Bohemian Rhapsody The Favourite Green Book Roma A Star Is Born Vice Dark Horse: Crazy Rich Asians Long Shot: First Man Total Shock: If Beale Street Could Talk The skinny: This season has been … Continue reading
Posted in Awards, Film, Oscars, Previews
Tagged avengers, ballad of buster scruggs, beautiful boy, black klansman, black panther, bohemian rhapsody, can you ever forgive me, capernaum, cold war, dumplin, eighth grade, fantastic beasts, favourite, first man, first reformed, free solo, green book, if beale street could talk, incredibles 2, infinity war, into the spider-verse, isle of dogs, mary poppins returns, mary queen of scots, minding the gap, mirai, mission impossible, never look away, nutcracker, quiet place, ralph breaks the internet, rbg, ready player one, roma, shoplifters, spiderman, stan and ollie, star is born, three identical strangers, vice, wife, won't you be my neighbor
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