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Tag Archives: dawn of the planet of the apes
2010s in Review: The Best Movies, Part 3
This is Part 3 of a three-part series. Read Part 1 here and Part 2 here. Even with making a Top 50, there were still a lot of movies I loved but didn’t quite make the cut. And even though … Continue reading
Posted in Best Of, Film
Tagged 50/50, amazon, big sick, black panther, blue like jazz, burning, cabin in the woods, calvary, captain phillips, christine, dawn of the planet of the apes, death of Stalin, edge of tomorrow, eighth grade, exit through the gift shop, florida project, ghost story, holy motors, hunger games, it's kind of a funny story, jackass, jackie, killing them softly, lady bird, leave no trace, lego movie, life itself, logan, long day's journey into night, manchester by the sea, Mandy, melancholia, moneyball, mudbound, netflix, nice guys, once upon a time in hollywood, prime, revenant, room, seeking a friend for the end of the world, shape of water, short term 12, star wars, steve jobs, take shelter, terms and conditions may apply, touch of sin, true grit, under the skin, upstream color, what we do in the shadows, young adult
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Oscar Guide 2015
Well, here we go. After last year’s cake walk, this one’s a lot tougher to guess. Here goes nothing. BEST PICTURE American Sniper Birdman Boyhood The Grand Budapest Hotel The Imitation Game Selma The Theory of Everything Whiplash Will win: … Continue reading
Posted in Awards, Film, Oscars, Previews
Tagged american sniper, battle of the five armies, begin again, beyond the lights, big hero 6, birdman, boxtrolls, boyhood, captain america, citizenfour, dawn of the planet of the apes, days of future past, finding vivian meyer, foxcatcher, glen campbell, grand budapest hotel, guardians of the galaxy, hobbit, how to train your dragon 2, i'll be me, ida, imitation game, inherent vice, interstellar, into the woods, judge, last days in vietnam, lego movie, leviathan, maleficent, mr turner, nightcrawler, salt of the earth, selma, song of the sea, still alice, tale of the princess kaguya, tangerines, theory of everything, timbuktu, two days one night, unbroken, virunga, whiplash, wild, wild tales, winter soldier, x-men
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My Dream Oscar Ballot 2015
I still haven’t seen three of the Best Picture nominees (all based on true stories, so you won’t see any of those films, except one category which doesn’t require you to actually see the film). I’m applying their rules, so Whiplash … Continue reading
Posted in Awards, Film, Oscars
Tagged american sniper, begin again, believe me, birdman, boyhood, captain america, dawn of the planet of the apes, days of future past, disappearance of eleanor rigby, edge of tomorrow, exodus, foxcatcher, glen campbell, gods and kings, gone girl, grand budapest hotel, guardians of the galaxy, i'll be me, interstellar, john wick, lego movie, life itself, million ways to die in the west, monuments men, muppets most wanted, nightcrawler, obvious child, selma, snowpiercer, top five, under the skin, whiplash, winter soldier, x-men
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Final Oscar Picks 2015
On Thursday, Chris Pine, Alfonso Cuarón and J.J. Abrams will announce the nominations for the 87th Academy Awards. In a perceived weak year, all categories are up for grabs (except Lead Actor and Lead Actress) so these guesses are just … Continue reading
Posted in Awards, Film, Oscars, Previews
Tagged age of extinction, american sniper, battle of the five armies, begin again, big hero 6, birdman, book of life, boxtrolls, boyhood, cake, citizenfour, dawn of the planet of the apes, force majeure, foxcatcher, get on up, glen campbell, godzilla, gone girl, grand budapest hotel, guardians of the galaxy, hobbit, how to train your dragon 2, i'll be me, ida, imitation game, interstellar, into the woods, judge, last days in vietnam, lego movie, leviathan, life itself, maleficent, mr turner, overnighters, selma, still alice, tales of the grim sleeper, theory of everything, timbuktu, transformers, unbroken, whiplash, wild, wild tales
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2014 in Review: The Best Films
A weak year for film? Maybe at the box office. Otherwise, this was another year stuffed to the gills with great movies, from the multiplex to the art house to your own computer. Plenty of movies took big risks and … Continue reading
Posted in Film, Reviews
Tagged 22 jump street, begin again, believe me, birdman, blue ruin, boyhood, brazilian western, captain america, coherence, dawn of the planet of the apes, days of future past, edge of tomorrow, foxcatcher, gone girl, grand budapest hotel, guardians of the galaxy, interstellar, lego movie, life itself, snowpiercer, top five, touch of sin, under the skin, whiplash, winter soldier, x-men
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Too Early for This: Oscar Picks — 15 August 2014
BEST PICTURE Birdman Boyhood Foxcatcher Gone Girl The Grand Budapest Hotel Inherent Vice Interstellar Into the Woods The Theory of Everything Unbroken The skinny: As always, we start with ten, even though there have been only nine nominees since the … Continue reading
Posted in Awards, Film, Oscars, Previews
Tagged begin again, big eyes, big hero 6, birdman, book of life, boxtrolls, boyhood, dawn of the planet of the apes, disappearance of eleanor rigby, foxcatcher, godzilla, gone girl, grand budapest hotel, how to train your dragon, imitation game, inherent vice, interstellar, into the woods, judge, lego movie, men women and children, most violent year, rosewater, theory of everything, unbroken, wild
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The Weekender: ‘Dawn’ on Me
Movie of the Week Dawn of the Planet of the Apes I couldn’t have been less interested in Rise of the Planet of the Apes, especially after the unmitigated disaster of Tim Burton’s reboot. But I have faith in Matt … Continue reading
Posted in Film, Previews
Tagged beatles, dawn of the planet of the apes, hard day's night, venus in fur, witching and bitching
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