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Tag Archives: true grit
2010s in Review: The Best Movies, Part 3
This is Part 3 of a three-part series. Read Part 1 here and Part 2 here. Even with making a Top 50, there were still a lot of movies I loved but didn’t quite make the cut. And even though … Continue reading
Posted in Best Of, Film
Tagged 50/50, amazon, big sick, black panther, blue like jazz, burning, cabin in the woods, calvary, captain phillips, christine, dawn of the planet of the apes, death of Stalin, edge of tomorrow, eighth grade, exit through the gift shop, florida project, ghost story, holy motors, hunger games, it's kind of a funny story, jackass, jackie, killing them softly, lady bird, leave no trace, lego movie, life itself, logan, long day's journey into night, manchester by the sea, Mandy, melancholia, moneyball, mudbound, netflix, nice guys, once upon a time in hollywood, prime, revenant, room, seeking a friend for the end of the world, shape of water, short term 12, star wars, steve jobs, take shelter, terms and conditions may apply, touch of sin, true grit, under the skin, upstream color, what we do in the shadows, young adult
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Best of the Decade… So Far – Film
It’s hard to believe the decade is half gone already. In these five years, I’ve graduated from college, moved back in with my parents, struck out on my own, and gotten married. And I’ve consumed a ridiculous amount of pop … Continue reading
Posted in Best Of, Film
Tagged 50/50, about time, before midnight, beginners, boyhood, cloud atlas, drive, grand budapest hotel, gravity, her, hugo, inception, intouchables, looper, scott pilgrim, silver linings playbook, social network, toy story 3, tree of life, true grit
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