Curb Your Enthusiasm – “The Accidental Text on Purpose” (A-)
The best episode of the season thus far, with everything finally coming together in glorious, terrible fashion. Larry ruins not one but two relationships of friends whose girlfriends gave them ultimatums, one by complaining about inferior tap water, the other by getting an unexpected boner in the dressing room. Only Larry can get away with that kind of stuff.
The Mindy Project – “Danny in Real Life” (C)
Wow. It’s almost as if this show got a shortened final season and they did absolutely nothing to appropriately plot the arc of it out and now they’re rushing to give all the perfunctory goodbye hugs before the finale.
Brooklyn Nine-Nine – “Bad Beat” (B)
A solid story about Holt’s secret gambling addiction is aces, especially because of the Terry-Holt-Peralta trio, who bounce off each other flawlessly. But clearly the writers are running out of subplots, because Amy and Charles’ food truck story is over before it even begins and Rosa bonding with Hitchcock and Scully is completely pointless. But yes, it’s still funny and warm, and that cold open is an all-timer.
This Is Us – “The Most Disappointed Man” (A-)
Delroy Lindo pops by as a prejudiced judge in a flashback, as the episode’s throughline is clearly: What’s the best home for an adopted kid? Meanwhile, Kevin hits rock bottom as he realizes a surprise proposal to Sophie is the absolute wrong move to get his relationship back on track. I’m really hoping Kevin gets help soon, because this storyline is working my last nerve. At least I can be excited about Toby and Kate’s baby.
Stranger Things – Season 2 (B+)
A bit off from the first season, partly because the novelty is gone, partly because the budget is bigger with a little bit of focus removed from the characters, and partly because of two dud episodes (the premiere, which feels like an unnecessary catch-up for our old friends and an introduction to the new characters, and the infamous episode 7, which isn’t bad so much as it is unnecessary). But still, this is an enchanting series filled with great scenes and episodes. If the Duffer Brothers sharpen their skills for Season 3, it’ll be even better.