What I Watched This Week: 22 May 2016

Silicon Valley – “The Empty Chair” (B)
Confident Richard is a good Richard, but his ego gets in the way as he blows a major interview. Still, for the second time in as many episodes, he finds an incredibly lucky way to save his ass. But the show’s going to have to do some more interesting things than have every episode be about the company’s near-collapse.

Veep – “Thanksgiving” (B+)
Kevin Dunn is now my favorite dude on the show. At various times, all of the staff have shined. But his brand of tactless cynicism fits this show perfectly. Selina has been a straight-up terrible person the last few episodes as she clings to the presidency by her fingernails, and it’s been great. I’m really excited to see Jonah flounder as a congressional candidate.

Modern Family – “Crazy Train” (A)
The show at its absolute best, even if its loose plot threads (especially around Luke and Alex’s separate romances with older train passengers) strain credulity. But it’s super-quick and includes some of the show’s best pairings (Phil with Cam and Mitch with Claire). Ah, trains.

Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip – Pilot episode (A)
The first time I’ve watched this since it aired a decade ago. And you know what? Eff all the haters, because this is great effing episode of television. A deep bench of supporting players, including Michael Stuhlbarg and Merritt Wever. Aaron Sorkin’s dialogue is catnip to me, so I fell in love all over again. He thrives on the controlled chaos of live TV, hence my love of Sports Night and The Newsroom. This is another great pilot episode and Sarah Paulson kills it as usual. This was where I fell for her.

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