Brooklyn Nine-Nine – “House Mouses” (A-)
Hitchcock and Scully get their time to shine, or rather, fail spectacularly as expected. My common refrain continues, as there’s at least one superfluous story (here, the ladies overcoming their fears, though Gina pretending to be a businesswoman was hilarious). But this ensemble is so strong that they can put any variation together and still provide plenty of laughs.
The Muppets – “Got Silk?” (B)
Good ol’ Uncle Deadly, so often neglected among the many other better-known Muppets. But he’s the MVP of this episode, showing up as Piggy’s only loyal friend. But again, it’s Pepe who’s got the best lines.
Triumph’s Election Special 2016 (A-)
Best digested in 5- to 10-minute chunks, Triumph’s latest is a gut-busting poke in the eye to the candidates and their crazy supporters. Sometimes, it’s shooting fish in a barrel, but Robert Smigel often goes beyond the easy jokes, finding the humor in the everyday, but also the overly absurd. (His bit about P.C. language among college students is particularly inspired.)
The Wire – “Unto Others” (A-)
Things are going well for the likes of Prez (his kids are finally paying attention), Omar (he thwarts a would-be assassin) and Carcetti (he seemingly has the support of the outgoing mayor). But as The Wire has taught us, only bad things can be around the corner for them.