What I Watched This Week: 8 Dec 2019

Watchmen – “A God Walks into Abar” (B+)
Corny as hell, and I fell for it hook, line and sinker. Such an embrace of naked sentimentality will probably rub some viewers the wrong way, but it absolutely worked for me. How it will bear out on the finale remains to be seen.

Silicon Valley – “Exit Event” (A) / series finale
A show like this couldn’t have ended with happiness for the founders of Pied Piper. But it was the way it ended badly that made this so perfect. They were actually too good at their jobs, creating a network that was so sophisticated it broke down every barrier of digital privacy we have, so they had to kill it. This show wasn’t always consistent, but I’m glad I stuck it out. This ending was worth it.

Seth Meyers: Lobby Baby (A)
Nothing revolutionary here, just extremely funny, well-observed jokes about married life, parent life and – briefly – life under Trump.

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