Documentary Now! – “Soldier of Illusion” (A-) / season premiere
This show couldn’t be more niche, but I absolutely adore it and hope it runs for as long as the creative team wants to keep it going. This season premiere parodies Les Blank’s Burden of Dreams brilliantly, but it picks up other aspects of the troubled partnership between Werner Herzog and Klaus Kinski, too. We’ve seen Alexander Skarsgard’s comic chops before, but I was blown away by how hilarious August Diehl (most often cast as a Nazi officer) was.
Werewolf by Night (B+)
Probably the best complete thing to come out of the MCU’s Phase Four. I could not give less of a shit about the “Bloodstone” or whatever use it may have in projects to come. But the style and tone are so much more interesting than just about anything they’ve done in the past two years.