What I Watched This Week: 5 Mar 2017

The Mindy Project – “Dibs” (B)
Since the show bungled the introduction of Colette’s girlfriend, it’s hard to care about her hurt feelings. But I was shocked at how much I was invested in Jeremy and Anna’s non-romance. And any time Jody is on-screen, the jokes just land. But that’s because he is the most gifted comic actor in the cast.

This Is Us – “What Now?” (B+)
A moving remembrance of William, but a tragic end for Jack. I know the beats this show is going to take, but it’s still emotionally rich when it gets there.

It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia – “Dennis’ Double Life” (A-) / season finale
In what could be Glenn Howerton’s last appearance for awhile, Dennis finally gets fed up with the Gang in a way that feels like it’s real. This show has kinda sorta allowed emotion to creep into this season, and it’s always been for the better. What might suck is not having Dennis, easily the smartest member of the Gang but often the creepiest, around anymore to look bewildered at their latest scheme. But for now, it’s been 12 gloriously bizarre seasons.

The West Wing – Season 2 (A)
Takes everything that worked about Season One and ups the ante, with the specter of death looming large in nearly episode, especially its intense two-part premiere and devastating finale. This is about as good as TV gets.

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