Watchmen – “If You Don’t Like My Story, Write Your Own” (B+)
As the season shifts into full procedural mode, it goes from astonishing to merely exceptional. Still, the show has plenty of awe-inspiring WTF moments, including whatever Lady Trieu is building, “Lube Man,” and Will standing up and walking around.
Silicon Valley – “Hooli Smokes!” (A)
The series’ best episode in quite some time. The team pulls off a thrilling heist that saves Pied Piper (for now) and screws over Gavin, who, among his most recent awful deeds, cheated in a triathlon for charity.
It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia – “Paddy’s Has a Jumper” (B)
A funny but pointless bottle episode in which the only things that stick out are some extremely dark non sequiturs from Dee and Mac.
The Good Place – “The Funeral to End All Funerals” (A)
A thrilling conclusion to the season storyline, complete with a court case and several endearingly cheesy funerals. But this wouldn’t be The Good Place without another obstacle: the Judge is going to wipe out all of humanity and start over. I imagine next week is the last episode until 2020, so I’m sure I’ll be both happy and frustrated, like I am any time this show takes a break.